
ADMU − 4月

APS (Asian Peace builders Scholarship) プログラムでフィリピンに来て2ヶ月。3月の中級英語クラスのモジュール1が終わり、4月よりモジュール2が始まりました。このモジュールでは授業時間は従来通りですが、Reading&Writing (R&W) パートとListening&Speaking (L&S) パートそれぞれ2名ずつの先生が交替で担当する日替わり授業になり、学ぶ内容もよりアカデミック且つ実践的なものになりました。

R&Wではモジュール1で学んだ基本的な論文読解と論文作成からレベルアップした内容で、実際に論文を読解し批判的に分析して、それに関して論文を作成するといった高度なものです。それに伴って読解や論文作成の宿題も増え次第にハードになってきました。また最終課題としては、自身で決めたテーマに関する Argumentative essay なるものが課せられています。

L&Sでは、アカデミックなプレゼンテーションのノウハウを学ぶものから、TED talk を使った聞き取りや要約の練習、実際にジェンダーやグローバリゼーションなど様々なテーマに関して2〜3分程のプレゼンを行うなど、より実践的なものになってきました。最終課題としては、約15分間のプレゼンテーション(社会問題に関する論文を読み、内容要約し、意見を述べる)が課せられています。



Vol.19 "Time at Library"

About 2 months has passed since the English class started, The module of the class graded up from April, its contents became more academic. As it so, amount of homework especially reading and writing tasks also increased recently because master course is going to start from June.

Because of that, it is getting really difficult for me to keep up with the class every day. I can not understand clearly what teachers are talking about and academic materials I am reading. I am already in the situation: I do not know what I do not understand. In addition home works are getting a lot. It is serious problem, and I have to improve it as soon as possible.

In consequence, time I spend at library in the campus have gotten long to study and do home works. Its environment is very good for study (and sleep), it is silent and cool by well-air conditioning. So it will be longer to spend of time at library from now on.


Vol.18 "Holy Week"

It was a holy week from April 9th to 15th, because the Philippines is a county of mainly Christian, in fact over 90% of the population are Christian. Actually I am not familiar with this religious event because I am Japanese. So I wondered what people do.

In that week, not only public facilities but also many shops and transportations were closed for business for a few days of the week. Many people were praying in churches and marching with big Christ statue's in the evening.

Of course the university was also closed, so there was not any English class. But unfortunately I had a lot of home works to finish by the following week. So that week was not a holiday for me.


Vol.17 "Local Food"

SInce I came to the Philippines, I have not cooked even once. I just eat out every day, because eating out is as cheap as self-catering in this country (of course it is depend on where you eat), and basically I am not good at cooking. There are three advantages to eating out.

First, I don't need to take time and prepare to cook. If you have just a few minutes walk, you can get something to eat. Second, I can eat the local food. I can learn the tradition and culture through the food. Third, I can interact with the locals. Through our conversation, I can learn the local language.

However, it can be difficult for someone who has food restrictions due to allergies and religion. Fortunately I have no such limitation besides likes and dislikes, and I am fine with anything. So I would like to keep eating out to learn tradition and culture.


Vol.16 "Swimming Pool"

The weather is getting hot in the Philippines. Recently, I started swimming because there is a nice swimming pool on the campus, and the students can swim there for fee.

I swim as much as I can, when the pool is available. It is opened for the students, except for the swim club members, for about 2 hours in the early morning or evening. So I swim for about 1 hour after the English class every other day.

It is a great time for me because swimming refreshes me and clears my mind. When I was in Japan and Jordan, there was not a very good swimming environment. So swimming is now the fun part of my daily ritual. By the way, when I cannot use the pool, I run inside the campus for about half hour instead.

Exercising is very important since it is a stress reliever and refreshes the mind. So I want to keep exercising regularly.