

2014年6月に青年海外協力隊に応募し合格、実際にヨルダンに環境教育隊員として派遣され2年間異国の地での活動を通して貴重な経験をしました。その後、任期中に応募し運良く合格できたAPS(Asian Peacebuilder Scholarship)プログラムに2017年3月より参加したものの、その約半年後の8月でプログラムを去ることとなり、国連平和大学(UPeace)で実際に平和構築を学ぶには至りませんでした。




この度、Asian Peacebuilder Scholarship(APS)プログラムを去ることとなりました。

このプログラムは、日本財団(The Nippon Foundation)がアジア諸国の学生を対象に毎年募集する奨学金制度で、フィリピンの Ateneo de Manila University(AdMU)とコスタリカの University for Peace(UPeace)の2つの大学院を通して平和構築を学ぶものです。

まず約半年間 AdMU で英語訓練とマスタークラスを受け、その後 UPeace で約10ヶ月間平和構築について学び、再び AdMU に戻り半年間学び卒業して初めて2つの修士号が取れます。しかしながら、自分はこの最初半年のフィリピンにおいて最終的に政治学の成績が要求水準に至らず、また諸事情ありでコスタリカへは行かずに終わりました。






そして最後に、これからAPSへ参加する人へアドバイスしたいことが一つ。AdMU の成績システムはかなり厳しく、6月と7月に受講する政治学を落とすと恩赦を受けることは非常に難しいので、授業を受ける段階から教授に自身の成績の要求水準をアピールして、アドバイスを受ける努力をすることをおすすめします。自分はモチベーションの欠如故それを疎かにしたことがあだになりました。自分と同じ鉄は踏まないように。


ADMU − 7月






ちなみにクラスメイトの中には、You Tube の国際社会の概念(Realism、Liberalismなど)を5分程で簡単にまとめた動画を利用して学習していました。これは結構効率的な方法だと思うので試してみると良いと思います。基本的に動画は英語なので専門用語も学べます。



ADMU − 6月

6月に入り、新しく上級英語クラスのメンバー13名(日本:6、フィリピン:4名、カンボジア:1名、スリランカ:1名、ミャンマー:1名)が加わり、Asian Peacebuilders Scholarship(APS)プログラムも総勢30名になりました。全体の国籍の内訳は日本人:13名(過去最多)、フィリピン:4名、インドネシア:2名、カンボジア:2名、スリランカ:2名、タイ:2名、ベトナム:2名、ミャンマー:2名、ラオス:1名です。そしてとうとう Atenio de Manila University(AdMU)の政治学のマスタークラスがスタートしました。6月は国際関係学で、7月からは比較政治学です。




国際関係学は6月で終わり、7月からは比較政治学の授業に切り替わります。このプログラム中で一番きついと言われる時期もあと一ヶ月。そこを乗り切り、最低限の成績を納めることができれば8月からコスタリカの University for Peace(UPeace)に行くことができるのですが、それすらも怪しい今日この頃です。



入学手続き for UPEACE 〜アポスティーユ申請〜

5月末にフィリピンでの中級英語クラスが終了し、6月から始まる上級英語クラスまでのつかの間の休みに一時帰国中。日本でリフレッシュしつつ、8月よりコスタリカに行く上で犯罪証明書と戸籍謄本のアポスティーユ申請を行う必要がある為、その手続きを行っています。この手続きに関して、UPeace からの指示書を読むといろいろと不明な点が多いので備忘録として書き残しておこうと思います。


このアポスティーユ証明を犯罪証明書と戸籍謄本(+英訳文)に行った上でコスタリカにある UPeace に書類を郵送する必要があるのですが、まず問題となったのが UPeace の指示書に書かれていた書類の提出時期。「4月以降に手続きをして6月までに提出して下さい。」と書かれているのですが、当然のことながら自分を含め中級英語クラスから参加する人は、一足早くフィリピン入りするので日本での手続きが難しい。






Vol.22 "Rainy Season Started"

In June, the rainy season starts in the Philippines, which is totally different from Japan's. It makes me aware that I am in a tropical climate country.

First, the period of the rainy season is longer than Japan's. It usually lasts one months in June or July in Japan. However it lasts for around 5 months, from June to November in the Philippines. In addition, a lot of typhoons, which are more than Japan, come here.

Second, it rains more heavily than Japan's. Usually, it rains silently and continuously in Japan, but in the Philippines, squall, which is a sudden shower in the tropics, happens almost every day. Because of that people always carry their umbrellas anywhere they go out.

By the way, it's annoying that it's difficult to dry washing clothes because it's humid all the time.


ADMU − 5月

3月から始まった Ateneo de Manila University (AdMU) での中級英語クラスも5月末で終了。最終課題であるプレゼンテーションと8ページ以上の論文も(質と内容はともかく)なんとか終わらせることができました。


6月からはいよいよ上級英語クラス及び国際関係学、比較政治学の授業が始まります。あと2ヶ月間(睡眠時間を削られる程きついらしい・・・)を乗り切ることができれば、いよいよコスタリカにあるUniversity for Peace (Upeace) に入学です。ひとまず今は上級英語クラスが始まるまでの一週間程の束の間の休みで、コスタリカに行く為の手続きのこともあり一時帰国しました。



Vol.21 "Barangka"

Last time, I introduced "Katipunan" where is a area in front of Ateneo de Manila University. So today, I'm going to introduce the another area named "Baragka".

This area is located behind the universitiy and seems like a small downtown where the prices is very low compared to Katipunan. There are over 30 grocery stores on just a few hundred meters street.

So you can buy snacks, breads, vegetables and other daily necessities, and you can also eat cheap local foods. Even If you need something that you cannot obtain in this area, you can go to buy the shopping mall near there.

A lot of locals walk on the street and conduct business. So you can interact with them in daily life. It is really recommended for people who want to experience the local life of the Philippines and save the expense.


Vol.20 "Katipunan"

Students of Ateneo de Manila university that is one of the largest university in the Philippines are usually living around the campus, mainly in 2 areas. So today, I would like to introduce one of two areas named "Katipunan".

This area is located in front of the university, which has a main road. There are cafeterias, restaurants, banks, supermarkets, large residencial buildings, a shopping mall, etc.. So it is very convenient and you can buy anything you want in this area.

But the prices are high compared to the another area, and it seems difficult to get a chance of interaction with locals because of the urbanization. If you like city life and can accept high prices, it is better to live there.


ADMU − 4月

APS (Asian Peace builders Scholarship) プログラムでフィリピンに来て2ヶ月。3月の中級英語クラスのモジュール1が終わり、4月よりモジュール2が始まりました。このモジュールでは授業時間は従来通りですが、Reading&Writing (R&W) パートとListening&Speaking (L&S) パートそれぞれ2名ずつの先生が交替で担当する日替わり授業になり、学ぶ内容もよりアカデミック且つ実践的なものになりました。

R&Wではモジュール1で学んだ基本的な論文読解と論文作成からレベルアップした内容で、実際に論文を読解し批判的に分析して、それに関して論文を作成するといった高度なものです。それに伴って読解や論文作成の宿題も増え次第にハードになってきました。また最終課題としては、自身で決めたテーマに関する Argumentative essay なるものが課せられています。

L&Sでは、アカデミックなプレゼンテーションのノウハウを学ぶものから、TED talk を使った聞き取りや要約の練習、実際にジェンダーやグローバリゼーションなど様々なテーマに関して2〜3分程のプレゼンを行うなど、より実践的なものになってきました。最終課題としては、約15分間のプレゼンテーション(社会問題に関する論文を読み、内容要約し、意見を述べる)が課せられています。



Vol.19 "Time at Library"

About 2 months has passed since the English class started, The module of the class graded up from April, its contents became more academic. As it so, amount of homework especially reading and writing tasks also increased recently because master course is going to start from June.

Because of that, it is getting really difficult for me to keep up with the class every day. I can not understand clearly what teachers are talking about and academic materials I am reading. I am already in the situation: I do not know what I do not understand. In addition home works are getting a lot. It is serious problem, and I have to improve it as soon as possible.

In consequence, time I spend at library in the campus have gotten long to study and do home works. Its environment is very good for study (and sleep), it is silent and cool by well-air conditioning. So it will be longer to spend of time at library from now on.


Vol.18 "Holy Week"

It was a holy week from April 9th to 15th, because the Philippines is a county of mainly Christian, in fact over 90% of the population are Christian. Actually I am not familiar with this religious event because I am Japanese. So I wondered what people do.

In that week, not only public facilities but also many shops and transportations were closed for business for a few days of the week. Many people were praying in churches and marching with big Christ statue's in the evening.

Of course the university was also closed, so there was not any English class. But unfortunately I had a lot of home works to finish by the following week. So that week was not a holiday for me.


Vol.17 "Local Food"

SInce I came to the Philippines, I have not cooked even once. I just eat out every day, because eating out is as cheap as self-catering in this country (of course it is depend on where you eat), and basically I am not good at cooking. There are three advantages to eating out.

First, I don't need to take time and prepare to cook. If you have just a few minutes walk, you can get something to eat. Second, I can eat the local food. I can learn the tradition and culture through the food. Third, I can interact with the locals. Through our conversation, I can learn the local language.

However, it can be difficult for someone who has food restrictions due to allergies and religion. Fortunately I have no such limitation besides likes and dislikes, and I am fine with anything. So I would like to keep eating out to learn tradition and culture.


Vol.16 "Swimming Pool"

The weather is getting hot in the Philippines. Recently, I started swimming because there is a nice swimming pool on the campus, and the students can swim there for fee.

I swim as much as I can, when the pool is available. It is opened for the students, except for the swim club members, for about 2 hours in the early morning or evening. So I swim for about 1 hour after the English class every other day.

It is a great time for me because swimming refreshes me and clears my mind. When I was in Japan and Jordan, there was not a very good swimming environment. So swimming is now the fun part of my daily ritual. By the way, when I cannot use the pool, I run inside the campus for about half hour instead.

Exercising is very important since it is a stress reliever and refreshes the mind. So I want to keep exercising regularly.


ADMU −3月

Asian Peacebuilders Scholarship Program (APS) の中級英語クラス参加の為にフィリピンの Ateneo de Manila University(ADMU)に入学して約一ヶ月経ちました。ヨルダンとはまた違う異文化で、タガログ語や英語に囲まれた環境ですが少しずつ慣れてきた今日この頃です。





Vol.15 "Summer Coming"

The past few days, I feel the weather has been getting hot rapidly. The real summer is coming. The Philippines' hottest season is May. The closer it gets to May, the hotter the weather is becomes.

I use to spend at the night comfortably, but now heat and humidity remains even throughout the night. I cannot have sleep well without a fan. Of course it is very hot in the daytime. When I walk and stay outside, I become drenched with sweat due to strong sun light and the humid atmosphere.

However it is very cold in the libraries and classrooms on campus because of the air conditioning. I cannot stay inside for a long time without a light jacket or something. So that's how much the temperature differs between the inside and outside.

So I need to be mindful of the temperature difference so that I will not to catch a cold.


Vol.14 "Transportation"

About 20 days have passed since I arrived in the Philippines. I have been getting used to weather, culture, and life style.

The interesting thing for me is the transportation. People usually use some unique  types of transportations. For example, "Geepnee" which is a kind of geep, run around everywhere and each has colorful and interesting paintings. People get in and off them anywhere they want. In addition the fare is very cheap.

And the "Tricycle", which is a kind of bike, is used like a taxi. A lot of Tricycles also run around everywhere but their transportation area is more limited than the Geepnee's. The maximum number of seats is about 3. They are quick and useful to move around the neighborhood.

I think that types of transportations describe cultures of each country well. So it would be interesting to focus on culture through transportation.


Vol.13 "English Class Starts"

The intermediate English class started last week. There are 16 students in the intermediate course so we were divided into 2 classes, 8 people per class.

We are supposed to learn reading and writing in the morning class, and listening and speaking in the evening class, for about 6 hours every day. It is very challenging for me because my English skill is not good compared to the other students, so I am finding it hard to keep up with the class. So after every class, I tend to be exhausted by using my brain too much.

In order to continue learning English well, I need to concentrate on stress-management to manage and get rid of the stress that comes from the hard English lessons. To be honest, I tend to get stressed easily, so I have to take care of my mental health.

Fortunately, now it is the weekend. So I want to be relaxed and prepare for the next week's class.


Vol.12 "Campus Life"

Today, I want to introduce you to the campus I am currently frequenting. This is a one of the biggest university in the Philippines.

Stepping into the campus, there are a lot of facilities; lecture rooms, libraries, cafeterias, swimming pool, soccer ground, etc. In addition, the campus is calm and surrounded by nature, it seems like a good environment to study.

You can see students studying or cheerfully participating in club activities everywhere all day long. I am sure that they are enjoying their satisfying campus lives.

I am very jealous, so I want to do my best so that I can enjoy a satisfying life like them at the campus.


Vol.11 "Multicultural Exchange"

This Saturday and Sunday, I spent time not only by myself but also with Filipino friends living at the same place and class mates who are from several Asian countries.

On Saturday night, The Filipino friends invited us; me and a classmate living at the same dormitory, for eating out at the big shopping mall which is a little far from our dormitory. Then we had a chat and ate some Filipino traditional foods which are very delicious. After that we looked around the mall, which means window shopping.

On Sunday evening, I met a classmate on the street by chance when I was walking. She invited me to the dinner she and her friends cook. After while I visited her. Then we cooked and ate Thai food, Cambodian food and Sri Lankan sweets. They were spicy, sweet, and very delicious.

That's why I could have a good time and multicultural exchange with people of various nations in this weekend.


Vol.10 "Arriving Philippines"

A few days before, I arrived Philippines for the English training program which is a part of the scholarship program of graduate school.

On the arrival day, I had to visit to the scholarship office in the school and do some procedures as soon as I arrived. In addition, the weather is different between Japan and Philippines. That's why I was very tired and slept like a log at the dormitory.

After that day, I met classmates of intermediate English class, who are from several asian countries including Japan, and had entrance exam, orientation and lecture about the school, etc.

It was hard time actually. But now it is weekend, I'm spending my time by walking around the dormitory and eating some traditional foods. And next week, the class will start so I want to get used to the new environment as soon as possible.


Vol.9 "It's Time To Leave"

I will leave Japan to the Philippines tomorrow because I am attending an academic English training program which starts in March. This is part of a scholarship program for a graduate school where I will study Peacebuilding.

In the two months since returning to Japan from Jordan, I have almost completed my preparations: online English lessons, visa acquisition, authentication of documents, etc. And finally, the time to leave is coming soon.

However, to be honest I feel a little bit nervous even though I will be able to study the subject I wanted, because I am concerned about my current English level, which I do not think is enough. My mind is split 80/20 between anxiety and anticipation now.

So all I have to do first is adapt to the English environment. Then I want to enhance my English level to keep up with the classes.


Vol.8 "Challenge Writing Essay"

My final online English lesson was "Essay Writing". I will study at the graduate school soon. So the essay writing skill is very necessary. Then I wrote my first essay based on a lesson assignment. The topic is "The grave effects of hunger on the economic and political growth of a nation"

Nowadays, a lot of countries are facing hunger for some reasons in the world. That is not only a humanitarian crisis but also affects the economic and political growth of the nation. How does hunger effect them concretely?

At first, hunger decreases productivity of a nation. James T. Morris, Executive Director of Indianapolis Economic Club states in The Economic Impact of Hunger (9 February 2004, p.2), "Improving the nutritional status of adults has clear economic payoffs. Study after study – in Britain, India, Brazil, Sierra Leone and Sri Lanka – has shown a connection between the productivity and wages of adult workers and their nutritional status." Hunger affecting productivity that is related to economics also affects politics in consequence.

The point is that influence of hunger in economics and politics hampers the government's ability to function properly ,and makes nations unstabilized. For this reason, I think that the abolishment of hunger is connected to stabilizing nations. Stabilized nations keep the world peaceful.

The Economic Impact of Hunger (9 February 2004)


Vol.7 "Summarizing Articles"

There is a important skill I need other than the skill of expressing my own opinion. That is summarizing, which is the skill that sums up articles in own words and expressions.

It seems easy but actually very difficult for me. Because I have to summarize articles clearly so that anyone can understand the contents, in addition in own words without quotations. So I always struggle on summarizing in every lesson. then, one of my online English coaches showed me some points of summarizing.

First of all, she advised me to pick up information of "5W1H", which means "What", "When", "Where", "Who", "Why", "How", and to summarize article based on them. They are basic and important information in articles.

Actually I haven't practiced summarizing articles much until now. But according to the article that I researched on internet, practice of summarizing also has effect in improving comprehension skill. So I want to try to read a lot of articles and summarize them from today.


入学手続き for ADMU ~フィリピン観光ビザ(9A)取得~

一月頭に帰国して、大学院への入学手続きや英語レッスンに追われていたら、いつの間にか2月に。 ADMU (Ateneo de Manila University) での語学訓練の為、今月末にはいよいよフィリピンに向けて出発なのですが、現地で長期滞在する為にはビザが必須です。そして、その取得に案の定悪戦苦闘。


申請に行ったは良いが書類不備で出直すはめになるのは、もうこりごりなので書類準備にかなり神経を使いました。さらに申請に必要なAPS (Asian Peace builders Scholarship)マニラオフィスからの書類がなかなか来ず、取得が出発日に間に合うかなりひやひやしましたが手続きも無事済み、なんとかなりそうです。



Vol.6 "Right to Marriage and Family"

Today's writing topic is "Is the 'right to marriage and family' all encompassing, thus, may be availed of by those with the same sex?" This question is also from the topic about human rights.

In my opinion, I think this right is available for the people with the same sex. Because basically all people have the right to live freely, so should be able to choose own partner freely and be family regardless nationality, religion, race, gender, etc.

On the other hand, there are a lot of countries which have laws prohibiting same-gender partnership. It seems complicated issue but our society should be changing more tolerant for sexual and other minorities.


Vol.5 "Practice Writing Opinion"

Starting today, I would like to practice writing my opinion about some topics in English.

Recently I'm talking about a lot of topics, especially social issues, with online English coaches. So today I will pick up one question from the discussion topics, which was difficult for me to describe.

That is "How shall you reconcile ’the freedom of expression’ and the legal infraction called 'libel' especially on the cyber crime issues?", which is from the topic about human rights.

I think what we should do to reconcile these things is clarification of priority of human rights. At first, we should think of which is more important between "the freedom of expression" and "the right not to be disparaged".

Thinking in that way, "the right not to be disparaged" is more important than "the freedom of expression". Saying in other way, only "the freedom of expression" which doesn't disparage someone should be recognized.

So "libel" which disparages someone should be punished by law.


Vol.4 "Expressing My Own Opinion"

Today I'd like to write about how to express own opinion in English.
In daily online English lessons, I have a lot of opportunities to express my own opinion on the topics through some questions and discussions with my online English coaches.

For example, the topics about environmental pollution, humanitarian crises, discrimination, etc. are very difficult to talk about in not only English but also Japanese. And I'm not sure that I could express what I wanted to say in every lesson.

So I've realized that I have to practice building my own opinions in Japanese on the topics as this is important for translating into English expressions. If I have what I want to say in my mind clearly, I will try to express it in so many ways.

After all, having concrete and clear opinions and thoughts is fundamentally important to express something.


Vol.3 "Motivation Against Learning English"

Recently it's been difficult for me to keep myself motivated to study English. I mentioned before that the advanced online English lessons started taking a few days ago specialize in "Peace Building" and some other social issues. It means that the lesson seem very challenging compared to my current English level.

So I always struggle with the lessons. The worst thing is that there are a lot of words and phrases I don't know that appear in the lesson materials every time. That's why I cannot understand its contents accurately so I have a hard time summarizing them and answering the comprehension questions. And this situation keeps making me gradually more annoyed and exhausted. As a result, I'm finding it difficult to keep my mind positive about learning English.

However there is one thing I've remembered, "There is no one who became to be able to speak foreign language well without any kind of struggles", I forgot whom I heard it from or where I saw it, but It means I have to face these obstacles and over come them in order to make it to the next level.

In conclusion they are unavoidable. So I'm going to turn over a new leaf and learn English again.


Vol.2 "Online English Lesson"

I've been taking online English lessons almost everyday since the beginning of January, which are offered by the program of the graduate school I've been admitted to. And I'm supposed to finish them before the admission in March.

Basically I'm learning English face to face with the online coach for an hour, with education materials that have some general and academic topics such as travel, culture, education, medical, etc.

At first I read an article and the coach corrects my pronunciation. After that I answer some comprehension questions and talk about the topic with the coach. It is very challenging time for me every time because I'm not good at speaking English. It requires me to respond quickly and properly.

However I've managed to study the English lessons and completed half of them. Advanced level lessons have started recently, which are more academic than before, and specialize in "Peace building" which is the subject I will learn at the school. I think it is hard for me but I'm going to complete them step-by-step.


Vol.1 "Beginning My English Diary"

Starting today, I've started to write in my English diary in order to improve my English skills.

Because I'm going to learn about Peace building, which means keeping the world peaceful and solving on going conflicts, at graduate school in a foreign country soon. But currently my English level is limited even though I learned it in school for about 10 years.

I mistook how to learn English for a long time, because it had just been for examination. So I realized that I have to output my English more and more in writing and speaking in order to progress. Of course I also have to input a lot of English through reading and listening.

There isn't a shortcut to improve my English. All I have to do is practice daily with step-by-step effort.


入学手続き for ADMU ~レッドリボン取得~




国連平和大学の奨学金プログラムの一環でフィリピンの大学(Ateneo de Manila University : ADMU)で語学訓練がある為、この手続きが必要になるわけなんです。今回大学院側から大学の「卒業証明書」と「成績証明書」の原文と英文それぞれにレッドリボンを取得するように要請があったので、その取得の流れについて書いてみました。



2年間のヨルダンでの協力隊活動を終え、次の進路が決定しました。国連平和大学(University for Peace)へ進学します。任期中に出願していた大学院ですが、書類選考とスカイプ面接を経てなんとか合格することができました。詳細は以前の記事をご参照下さい。












